
Vashon Island

It’s nearly Valentine’s Day, that most romantic of the Hallmark occasions, and a good time to ponder the beauty of the most romantic bond of all: friendship. More specifically, best friendships, especially the girl buddy bonds we form in the first twelve years of our female lives.

Girl buddies. It’s an alliance - after the parent-child relationship - that acts as our greatest training ground for all future partnerships. Where we learn to size up the world by measuring it against the reflections of the person we’ve chosen as our first real mirror.

Our best buddies enter our lives initially through the filter of convenience - a next-door neighbor, a classmate, a cousin, possibly even a sibling.
As our worlds expand, they can come to us as peers willing to hold our secrets. Primarily, they arrive in our hearts and remain there because they pass the ultimate test: they accept and love us as we are. They challenge us to grow, and at the same time they hold dear what we’ve been.

The best of best buddyships are those that maintain the bond through our growing pains. They weather the storms of our experiments with life. They are the ones that wait out our ugly mistakes, knowing who we are at the core. With luck, they don’t fall into the social traps that tempt us with words like “bitch.”   They survive the insidious messages that suggest we are in competition with one another. They embrace the idea that we are all in this together, and that when the going gets tough we are the ones who will hold one another up.

Here’s to our best buddies, especially the ones we’ve had since we were kids.

My best buddy, since childhood, has been my sister Kristine. Each of us has had other “best friends” throughout life, but this friendship has trumped them all. Through our entire lives, people have mistaken us for twins. I think that dates back to the fact that our mother dressed us alike on many occasions (as was the fashion in that part of the 20th century) and even though we rarely dress alike now (except when we accidentally show up in the same TPOM sweatshirts) people still assume the twin thing.

In honor of that lifelong alliance with my “twin” and best buddy Kristine, I am making it possible for all the best buddies - young and old - who come into my shop this month to dress alike. Buy one “Who Is The President of Me?” sweatshirt and your buddy can have a second one for $7. The two of you can divvy up the savings. Or, you can make it a gift - to your best buddy.

Happy Valentine’s / Girl Buddies Day!

Enjoy this cyber tour of The President of ME:


Idea No. 72 White Space

Vashon Island

This time of year, life begins to resemble British Fleet Street tabloids, screaming at us from every square inch. SEE THIS SHOW. PARTY HERE. AND HERE. AND HERE. DON’T WAIT. JOIN THE CROWDS. LISTEN. MAKE HER HAPPY. GO. BUY. COME. BUY. EAT. BUY. BUY. God forbid there should be any room to breathe between those periods.

“In art as in life, white space is the ultimate luxury… 
It signifies that you have plenty of room to spare.”

I give you those words from Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne 
(from their roundup of '100 ideas that changed the world of graphic design') as a gift for the holiday season.

But let's tweak the words just a little, to bring them back around to what's most important:

In LIFE, as in art, white space is the ultimate luxury.

In graphic design, Heller and Vienne remind us, white space provides a respite for the eye. "It is used to subvert ‘spectacle’ - to undermine the sustained assault of commercial messages.”

This is the time of year, more than any other, when we need a respite for the eye and all the other parts of ourselves. It's a perfect time to ask, “Who is the President of ME?” Let's take back a little power by treating ourselves to the ultimate luxury. Let’s put some white space into the administration. Let’s subvert the assault.

May we all find the power that lies within us to design a season of calm, for ourselves and for those we love. Let us invite white space into our holiday mental tableau, and give ourselves a little psychic respite.

Here are ten “white space” opportunities I can think of. 
Feel free to add more...

Designate one day of the week for commuting to and from work in total silence.

Choose just one party (or two, if essential) from all the invitations, and send a gracious and honest regret to the others.

Get a full night’s sleep.

Pull over to the side of the road and LOOK at that sunset, for at least fifteen minutes.

Set the alarm for ten minutes earlier and use that extra ten minutes to just sit quietly, with no stimulation of any kind.

Sit down with the greeting cards that arrive each day, with a cup of tea or glass of wine (and no radio or TV blaring in the background), and dedicate the time solely to those cards, really pondering the spirit conveyed by each sender.

Go for a walk, especially when it’s not raining. Repeat as often as possible, and if walking with buddies, pledge at least half of the walk to be conducted in silence.

Stretch. (Your body, not your budget.)

Limit alcohol intake, and hydrate like an athlete.

Welcome the chance not to take the slights of the season personally - remembering it isn’t always about us.

... and maybe just one more for good measure 
       (and the ultimate gift to yourself) ...

Enjoy every meal for the rest of the year without the presence of a cellphone or screen of any kind.


and with that, here's my Holiday Greeting to you,
in the form of a little video.

       A sneak peek at a video 
       about my shop, 
       just completed for 
       my upcoming website.
       click this:  The President of ME 

(Tip: Watch in Full Screen to cut out the extraneous clutter of the Vimeo site.)

DO NOT watch it during a meal (see # 11 above...)



I Feel Good About My Neck… and all the other parts.

Vashon Island

“It is our humanity, and all our potential within it, that makes us beautiful.”
Aimee Mullins, athlete/actor/activist

When I turned 13, the rite of passage that ushered me into womanhood was not a hot-off-the-press copy of Betty Friedan’s groundbreaking book The Feminine Mystique, published earlier that year. It was a shopping trip to J.C. Penneys for my first pair of nylon stockings, and a girdle to fasten them in place - a pilgrimage overseen by my mother. At the time, I felt elevated by the grown-up-ness of it all, and had no idea what a metaphor that girdle was for the constrictive world into which I was about to step.

My mother - in her youth a free spirit and an infamously beautiful rascal, but by that time the mother of eight children - wore girdles; my aunts and grandmother and older cousins wore girdles; every woman over the age of 13, it seemed, owned an undergarment that had evolved from the inhumane corsets of the Victorian age. So, even at 105 pounds, it was my time to join the ranks. It was what every fashion-literate person in the post-Eisenhower era knew to be a required layer, the reining in of the cheekiest (pun intended) portion of the female anatomy. Dames’ derrieres were kept firmly under control, with contraptions that were given names like “The Comeuppance” by the passive-aggressive pimps of Madison Avenue.

A 1965 magazine ad (you can see it in the lobby at the Fuller Store this month) features the Comeuppance itself - capitalized, you see, because they even trademarked the name - along with a thinly veiled narrative of hostility toward the female form: “… the front panel swoops down on the enemy from above… wipes away your diet sins… coaxes you into line in all the trouble zones… No wonder so many interesting things start happening when you get your Comeuppance!” The tragedy, of course, is that the hostility conveyed in that copy was a two-way street. Those writers, for whom the “sex sells” culture had become mother’s milk, knew they were communicating in the newly modern self-loathing parlance of their target customer - a vernacular that had become self-fulfilling prophecy, a vicious cycle reinforced with each insidious message to women about their bodies being the enemy.

Women bought into these things - the girdles, that is - for about two more years after I got my first Comeuppance, and then said ENOUGH. But they never stopped listening to the message behind them, and simply moved on to the next fashion torture regimen.

How did such an obscene piece of clothing gain such a stranglehold, something that so constrained movement, breath and any hope of looking in a mirror, once you’d wrestled yourself into it, of feeling good about yourself? What depths of self-loathing to this day continue to deliver us - women who are fully qualified thinkers - to such self-torture? Spanx and six-inch heels rule the modern day fashion tableau, and all I can think is that the more things change the more they stay the same.

Human beings are bombarded from birth with the message that if we are beautiful we will be loved. The modern cultural memo - reinforced from Internet to magazine to billboard to late night comedy - continues to be that beauty, as defined by Madison Avenue, is still the key to the Love Kingdom. Despite an entire generation’s efforts at debunking the idea, of warehouses full of books exhorting rational minds to see our beauty as coming from within, people still fall under the spell of physical, fashion-proscribed attractiveness and bow to its power. It never ends. AND - the message continues to foster slavish loyalty to ridiculous, often harmful, trends. Shoes that cripple, beauty regimens that poison, fashion must-haves that bankrupt, undergarments that choke like a boa constrictor, body shapes that lead girls - young girls who just want to be loved - to death’s door.

Nora Ephron’s book, “I Feel Bad About My Neck,” is a self-deprecating assessment of all the parts of ones body a woman can learn to hate. The neck, the skin, the hair, the waist, the hips, the feet, etc.… It’s hilarious - until you put it down and ask yourself whether she’s been reading your mail. Who among us is not a constant participant in the repartee? Nora’s dead now - having succumbed to cancer at a cruelly early age. If the gods offered her - or any dead woman - her life back in exchange for all the years of obsessing over “maintenance” and intervention - if she could come back and live a long life with the bargain of never mentioning, much less chasing after remedies for, the “imperfect” condition of any part of her body - do you think she’d turn that offer down? “No, your worshipfulness, I think I’ll stick with the dead-early plan… this wattle under my neck is just too much to ignore, this fat ass just doesn’t work in Michael Kors’ latest skinny jeans…” Do you think that would be the answer?

We’ve fine-tuned apologies for hips that evolved in service of healthy delivery of babies; for white hairs that spring up to signal a life fully experienced; for lines around our mouths that betray a legacy of smiling; for breasts that disqualify us from the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Will it ever end? Will one generation ever finally be able to get everyone’s attention long enough to settle the silly fixations on such twisted versions of beauty? I see girls in middle school already fretting about their sweet, perfectly healthy bodies and I want to weep. Will the symphony of Brains and Imagination and Kindness and Passion for things that matter ever trump the tinny little anthem of Pulchritude? The author Andrew O’Hagan, in a brilliant piece in a recent New York Times Magazine, seduced me with this statement condemning his own gender: “Only with stupid men does a woman’s intelligence count against her. But maybe a hundred generations of stupid men have succeeded in convincing women that they’re only as good as the condition of their skin…” But wait! First we need to educate the men? I suppose we can do that - they really are a teachable lot. But I believe we have to start by teaching ourselves. Who, after all, stands front and center, conducting the self-hating orchestra? The old anthems have to stop with us.

I did my time in a girdle. I’ve had foot surgery to repair the damage done by fashionable footwear. I’ve marched lockstep to the expensive myth that my clothes must be in style. I look at fashion magazines today and shake my head at the lunacy before me.  Girdles are gone, but there are the ads for Spanx… and all those must-have 6-inch heels.

Here’s what I know now: I wouldn’t trade this aging, imperfect body for anyone’s - not even a youthful, once-“beautiful” version of it - because it is the repository of a hard-won wisdom about what matters and what doesn’t. And about who can make the choices.

This month at the shop, we celebrate the bodies we have… all their parts - but especially that elegant part that holds up our heads: our beautiful necks. Let’s festoon them with scarves and look-at-me jewelry. Then let’s stick those necks out and share the wisdom we’ve all fought so hard for - especially with the next 13-year-old standing at the threshold of womanhood. Let’s tell her to skip the Spanx and give her permission to conduct a joyful symphony of all that HONESTLY matters in life.

The President of Me.
Join us at the shop this week for First Friday - 6-8pm ....
or come see what's new during Fall Open Hours: 11-5 Wednesday through Saturday... or whenever you see the lights on and the door open! (I'm typically here in the studio on Mondays and Tuesdays.)
19603 Vashon Highway SW - In the Old Fuller Store (just across the street from the world famous Vashon Coffee Roasterie.)


A new home for The President of Me!

Vashon Island

One week ago, The President of Me took up residence in its new digs in the historical Fuller Store on Vashon Island. The new address is 19603 Vashon Hwy SW, at the intersection of Vashon Hwy and Cemetery Road.

It's been a wonderful, energizing week! We've greeted nearly 300 visitors - all of whom have come away with "The President of Me" campaign buttons and many treasures from the shop.

It's been nice to have a venue for exposing in "fuller" detail the premise behind the line. The gallery wall in the lobby affords space for the "Manifesto" (the set of questions that appears inside each garment) along with explanations for each of the questions within that mission statement.

Because the shop doubles as my sewing and design studio, I will be there nearly every day.  "Open" signs typically go out between 11 - 4 most days, and 11 - 2 on Sundays. But if you come by and the lights are on, don't hesitate to knock. I'll happily leave the sewing machine to welcome a visitor.

Otherwise, you can always send an email to thepresidentofme@gmail.com and make an appointment!

And many have asked, "Do you have the line ONLINE?" to which I have had to answer - "Not yet, but SOON".... shooting for Fall. Opening a new shop is a gargantuan undertaking. It was everything I could do to get the space ready in just under a month, and now the fun inside begins. From there, online commerce will unfold. The President of Me will be expanded and I'll be developing a secondary line - what I call "the lollygagging division of TPOM" - a collection of easy going apparel named 7kt (pronounced 'Seven Knots') that is based on the universal speed limit on waterways when one is supposed to SLOW DOWN. (I dream of such things...)

So, that is the news to date. Thank you so much to all who've made this first week at the new shop so much fun. I promise not to flood those of you who've signed up with emails. You'll probably see updates every fortnight or so.

Happy Summer - and remember: You've been elected The President of Me - never stop campaigning!

Enjoy these photos from opening day - and come visit the shop sometime soon. I look forward to meeting new fans of the line, on and off Vashon Island!


Here's what visitors find in the lobby gallery (a little larger there... alas...):

The grand unveiling

Our first customers, waiting for the doors to open...

Everyone wants this long sleeved
organic cotton tee... so so soft....
The employee lounge doubles as a fitting room!
Fun, blingy walls form the backdrop for the desk.
The big mirror captures the shopkeeper and
her sister, who helped get the sewing
done just in time to open!
"Don't Shoot the Messenger
Flying the company colors!

The build-out team - exhausted but happy!

The proud new shopkeeper...
Just sitting on the porch saying "come on in!"

The President of Me Boxers all in a row

Zeteticus on silk adorns the camisole - and much more!
Never too young for the message...
Who, indeed?


I Know You Are, But What Am I?

Vashon Island

Anyone watching the arts news this past month might have taken note of the return of PeeWee Herman, the brilliant alter-ego of Paul Reubens, in a Broadway reprise of "The PeeWee Herman Show".  

Reubens' infectious talent and celebration of simple truths trumped all the cultural junk out there during PeeWee's heyday (1986-91), a time when groupthink and world class hypocrisy were being elevated to high art, and a time when people like Paul Reubens could be run out of televisionland on a rail for something that amounted to nothing, but sounded like something to people addicted to empty rhetoric. 

I adored PeeWee Herman, and especially thrilled at his retort whenever  he was being bullied: "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?..."

Repeated over and over in a loop, it made his nemeses crazy. It also gave everybody - the characters themselves and the people watching - a chance to ponder the truth in the charge. How many times in life do people hurl claims in someone else's direction that are, in fact, statements of fact about themselves?

Accusations, held up to the mirror of truth are, more often than not, a disclosure about the person speaking. Isn't it possible the charges of moral turpitude lobbed at Reubens were more accurately applicable to the culture that brought him down? Look at the worlds of finance, entertainment and politics of the time, and ask yourself who the real criminals were.

I'm glad PeeWee's back. Time heals all wounds... and wounds all heels? PeeWee's having the last laugh.

* * * * *

It's been a crazy year,
but The President of Me 
is still very much in office
at the Black House on Vashon Island.
Sadly, I'll be out of town during the Studio Tour weekends this year, but I'll put the sandwich board out whenever I'm here these next several weeks. 

If you think a gift of 
TPOM apparel - the snuggley Hoodies,  the velvety Burnout long sleeved T, the Ecovertigrain "Zeteticus Attitude" shirt or a pair of Presidential Boxers, or some Vitamin Black
(the world's most delicious licorice caramels) 
would make someone you care about happy this holiday season, stop by or give me a call @ 206 947 4777 and I'll be happy to meet you here.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful, truthful... 
Thanksgiving... Christmas... Hanukkah... Kwanzaa... New Year... Life.


Budding Beauty

Vashon Island

Things have moved through the budding stage and into full bloom here at the Black House, thanks to a balmy and very wet spring. A nose poked directly into the Loderis (our incredibly fragrant rhodies) will transport you to the root beer stand of your youth. The white tulips are the tallest they've ever been. The deer haven't yet attacked the rest of the blossoming scape, so the show goes on in ridiculously verdant splendor.

As much as I adore the beautiful blooming landscape, I adore even more the fun of working in this studio. My muse, Zeteticus - that old Latin seeker of the truth - reminds me to skip over the BS and find the straight line to truths in all the corners of our world. One of those corners is the never ending conversation about our bodies, and the push me- pull you relationship people (especially girls/women) have with food, fashion and frivolous claims of fancy. It's a tough place to find the truth, this whole body image business.

This is where Georgette plays a big - and for those who've been to the studio, you know I mean BIG - role in the conversation. People ask me why that dame is allowed to hold court in the grandest room in the house. Some go so far as to accuse her of being ugly. But I think Georgette is beautiful. Gorgeous, in fact... because Georgette is my daily reminder that BEAUTY is not only in the eyes of the beholder but a snarky form of power packed neatly inside the beholder's baggage. Georgette is here to remind every woman, fully blooming or just in the budding stages, to take control of their "beauty message." She's a reminder that compliments and insults can all come from the same place - someone else's agenda driven perspective. And no one has a right - or ever enough information - to impose the power of their perspective on something as vital as our self esteem.

Georgette is here to help us all stand in front of the mirror and find the words, "I. Am. Beautiful." She's the First Lady here at the Black House, a beautiful - and fitting - ambassador for The President of Me.

The Black House is officially "Open" the first two Saturdays of May* 
during the Vashon Island Art Studio tours.
Come say hi. Come take a look at how beautiful Georgette is. 
She's all dressed up for the occasion.

 Happy Spring, all you beautiful seekers of the truth.

*I'm actually "unofficially open" any day of the week you see my car in the driveway... really... stop in for a little Vitamin Black...


Love SomeBody, Love YourBody

Vashon Island

This is the month of love - according to the laws of Hallmark, at least. To me, Valentine's Day is the least oppressive - in fact, most welcome - of all the Hallmark occasions. Who could object to a day devoted to telling people they're loved? It's a perfect day for proclaiming,"YOU are the President of Me..."  
Just for that day...

Perhaps you should favor the person who governs your life with a pair of "President of Me" Boxers (they're adorable on both XX's and XY's) ...

Georgette's advocating for this little number, a lightweight but cozy knit crewneck. The fabric is called "EcoVertigrain" because it's made partly of  recycled polyester along with organic cotton. Normally the 'P textile' makes me cringe (think 70's Huckapoo disco shirts...) but in this case we have a first class example of recycling.

Here's a closeup to give a better sense of the slightly ribbed style of the knit. And the righteously questioning stance of Zeteticus... how's that for body language? Who IS the president of Me, he boldly asks...

or she.... Zeteticus' gender is, of course, in the eye of the beholder...

If you think a Valentine from the Black House might be just the ticket for the one you love - including a few pieces of Vitamin Black (the world's most heavenly licorice caramels...)  I'm at the studio almost every weekday (I'll try to remember to put out the sign) or give a call and I'll make sure I'm there to open the old Oval Office Door... 206.947.4777

And finally, a book recommendation...

If you don't already have a copy, treat yourself- and your body - to a wonderful little volume of common sense about eating, entitled FOOD RULES - An Eater's Manual  by Michael Pollan

Eleven little dollars and you have at your fingertips 64 classic tenets of smart food consumption. I could cobble together a review, but I'd prefer to pass that job along to an expert, Jane Brody, in the New York Times.
Call it a Valentine to your body... a gift to go with the one you
give yourself from the Black House, the one that asks
"Who is The President of Me?"


Person, Place or Thing?

Vashon Island

Greetings fellow seekers of the truth and

THIS MONTH'S OPEN HOUSE at the Black House:
Saturday January 30th 10-4.
Come see what's new in the line, find some bargains in the 
"didn't make it into the line" sample box and on 
styles that are nearly sold out stragglers...

And it's been a busy month thinking about other things 
(the Vashon Island Haiti fundraiser, for example - 
please mark your calendar: Feb 21 at the O Space!) 
so we're still not any further along with the TPOM website... 
which means you're FORCED to come visit me at the Black House. 
Darn - not!

Georgette and I await your smiling faces...

and now for this month's Zeteticus essay...


One of the happiest discoveries I made as a first grader was that the language I’d formed up to that point actually had a structure. Each word I’d tucked into my brain could be ordered into tidy little columns: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. It was beautiful. So logical. A perfect little package to my Germanic six-year-old mind.

And the nouns! Nouns were the nobility of this beautifully appointed world. They were so important they had categories of their own – hierarchies, really. Person - first. Place - second. Thing - third. Person, place or thing. The teacher always said it in that order, as though she were chanting: PersonPlaceorThing. To this day when we play charades and the word is a noun, the universal query is: Person, Place or Thing? (…except when my smart aleck son prepares the clues, in which case we ask: Foul Smells, Punk Fashion or Punishable Offenses?) The net effect of the noun chant was that Persons always seemed the ruler of the land, the King, in fact, followed at a distance by the lords of Place. And Things - things were the commoners of Noundom. The value of a Thing registered at the bottom of the social order.

But the noun hierarchy seems to be suffering in modern times. Human beings’ obsession with the commercial universe has created a crossover between person and thing, often making the bejeweled magnificence of person practically indistinguishable from the grubby inconsequence of thing. People seem desperate to become commodities, manic to parlay any chance at fortune and fame into a lifetime of parading as manufactured goods. “How much money am I worth?”  becomes the person’s primary definition of self in this sorry devolution. The human being, with a heart and a mind and a soul – a person – turns into a dollar sign - a thing.

Reality TV programming brings in the biggest money for networks because viewers adore watching people being transformed into things called Winners and Losers. A Loser is such a low form of thing it borders on being nothing, equivalent to the number zero. Losers are transformed from tangible thing to nonexistent thing in the flash of a voted-out-of-favor nanosecond. They’re supposed to disappear. Viewers and producers are co-conspirators in this decimation of humanity. (A notable exception would be Susan Boyle, who triumphed over her ultimate loser status with a recording that settled all questions about her talent and her humanity. Here is the miracle of a person who seems to have remained a person in spite of her brush with fame.)

Sports heroes become things not in the execution of their athletic talent but the moment they become shills for corporations.  That relationship between corporate entity and “spokesperson” (which is a thing posing as a person) is measured not in human terms but at the bottom line, explaining why corporations can with such facility wipe their little shills right off the page when they behave too much like a person – or, heaven forbid, fail like a human being.

All this comes at what cost? Each time a person becomes a commodity, isn’t it possible that we bid incremental farewell to the whole point of our humanity? And at what point will our humanity have so devolved that personhood is reduced to the level of inanimate object? Will the day arrive when teachers teach that nouns consist solely of places and things?

Do we recognize the line across which someone steps when they go from being a person to a thing? How many times in our own lives have we tiptoed up to or across the line just to be able to claim we are some thing?

Shall we look in the mirror? What do we see? Person, Place or Thing?

Copyright 2010 Rebecca J. Wittman

* * * * *

*The President of Me and Zeteticus are protected trademarks. Zeteticus comes from old Latin, and means "Seeker of the Truth"


New Year, New Decade, New (Old) Ethic

Vashon Island

Announcing the official worldwide (beyond Vashon Island) 
launch of a small apparel line, a fun wearable venue that carries an unimpeachable message - about personal responsibility..... Who is THE PRESIDENT OF ME?
Who rules?
Who can I blame?
Who'll look after me?
Who gets all the credit?
Who's in charge?
Who cares?

Zeteticus * wants to know...
The TPOM blog will bring you news of the President of Me line - and eventually links to the website when the "President of Me" has landed firmly on its enterprising feet.  It will also serve as a forum for examples of people who know how to take responsibility for their own actions/choices/lives... around the globe. If you have a citation to share, please join the conversation!
....... Happy TAKE CHARGE OF OUR LIVES New Year ......

The circle of life is never more apparent than it is at 12:01 am January 1st of each year. It is at once an ending and a beginning, a leaving behind of failed experiments and a returning to what we hope/intend/believe with all our hearts is a fresh start. 
January 1st is, in the wise words of Anne of Green Gables, the quintessential "fresh day with no mistakes."

2010 marks the end of a decade of witnessing - if we choose to really notice - how things turn out when we make choices we know are false. Complicit in many of our own miseries, maybe this is a good starting point for looking in the mirror and posing the question, "Who is the President of Me?"

Who's really calling the shots in our lives? Can we really keep blaming

1.  Our mothers
2.  The appraiser
3.  Bakery Nouveau
4.  King County DPD
5.  Our partners
6.  R. J. Reynolds
7.  George Bush
8.  The local wineseller
9.  Rush Limbaugh
10. The weeds in the garden

for the condition of our lives?

What if we blamed ourselves? What if we decided to quit handing the choices we make every day - the little ones that pile up and become death by a thousand cuts - over to the external tyrants and wrestle that internal tyrant, the one who has abdicated all real concern for the consequences, to the mat? 

Who IS the president of me?

Who knows?

Maybe it's time to hold an election...

Let the campaign begin.


*The President of Me and Zeteticus are registered trademarks. 
Zeteticus comes from old Latin, and means "Seeker of the Truth"