This time of year, life begins to resemble British Fleet
Street tabloids, screaming at us from every square inch. SEE THIS SHOW. PARTY
GO. BUY. COME. BUY. EAT. BUY. BUY. God forbid there should be any room to breathe
between those periods.
“In art as in life, white space is the ultimate luxury…
It signifies that you have plenty of room to spare.”
I give you those words from Stephen Heller and Veronique
(from their roundup of '100 ideas that changed the world of graphic design') as a gift for the holiday season.
(from their roundup of '100 ideas that changed the world of graphic design') as a gift for the holiday season.
But let's tweak the words just a little, to bring them back around to what's most important:
In LIFE, as in art, white space is the ultimate luxury.
In graphic design, Heller and Vienne remind us, white space
provides a respite for the eye. "It is used to subvert
‘spectacle’ - to undermine the sustained assault of commercial messages.”
This is the time of year, more than any other, when we need a respite for the eye and all the other parts of ourselves. It's a perfect time to ask, “Who is the President of ME?” Let's take back a little power
by treating ourselves to the ultimate luxury. Let’s put some white space into
the administration. Let’s subvert the assault.
May we all find the power that lies within us to design a
season of calm, for ourselves and for those we love. Let us invite white space
into our holiday mental tableau, and give ourselves a little psychic respite.
Here are ten “white space” opportunities I can think of.
Feel free to add more...
Feel free to add more...
Designate one day of the week for commuting to and from work
in total silence.
Choose just one party (or two, if essential) from all the
invitations, and send a gracious and honest regret to the others.
Get a full night’s sleep.
Pull over to the side of the road and LOOK at that sunset, for
at least fifteen minutes.
Set the alarm for ten minutes earlier and use that extra ten
minutes to just sit quietly, with no stimulation of any kind.
Sit down with the greeting cards that arrive each day, with a
cup of tea or glass of wine (and no radio or TV blaring in the background), and
dedicate the time solely to those cards, really pondering the spirit conveyed
by each sender.
Go for a walk, especially when it’s not raining. Repeat as
often as possible, and if walking with buddies, pledge at least half of the
walk to be conducted in silence.
Stretch. (Your body, not your budget.)
Limit alcohol intake, and hydrate like an athlete.
Welcome the
chance not to take the slights of the season personally - remembering it isn’t
always about us.
... and maybe just one more for good measure
(and the ultimate gift to yourself) ...
(and the ultimate gift to yourself) ...
Enjoy every meal for the rest of the year without the presence of a cellphone or screen of any kind.
and with that, here's my Holiday Greeting to you,
in the form of a little video.
in the form of a little video.
A sneak peek at a video
about my shop,
just completed for
my upcoming website.
click this: The President of ME
(Tip: Watch in Full Screen to cut out the extraneous clutter of the Vimeo site.)
DO NOT watch it during a meal (see # 11 above...)
about my shop,
just completed for
my upcoming website.
click this: The President of ME
(Tip: Watch in Full Screen to cut out the extraneous clutter of the Vimeo site.)
DO NOT watch it during a meal (see # 11 above...)