
New Year, New Decade, New (Old) Ethic

Vashon Island

Announcing the official worldwide (beyond Vashon Island) 
launch of a small apparel line, a fun wearable venue that carries an unimpeachable message - about personal responsibility..... Who is THE PRESIDENT OF ME?
Who rules?
Who can I blame?
Who'll look after me?
Who gets all the credit?
Who's in charge?
Who cares?

Zeteticus * wants to know...
The TPOM blog will bring you news of the President of Me line - and eventually links to the website when the "President of Me" has landed firmly on its enterprising feet.  It will also serve as a forum for examples of people who know how to take responsibility for their own actions/choices/lives... around the globe. If you have a citation to share, please join the conversation!
....... Happy TAKE CHARGE OF OUR LIVES New Year ......

The circle of life is never more apparent than it is at 12:01 am January 1st of each year. It is at once an ending and a beginning, a leaving behind of failed experiments and a returning to what we hope/intend/believe with all our hearts is a fresh start. 
January 1st is, in the wise words of Anne of Green Gables, the quintessential "fresh day with no mistakes."

2010 marks the end of a decade of witnessing - if we choose to really notice - how things turn out when we make choices we know are false. Complicit in many of our own miseries, maybe this is a good starting point for looking in the mirror and posing the question, "Who is the President of Me?"

Who's really calling the shots in our lives? Can we really keep blaming

1.  Our mothers
2.  The appraiser
3.  Bakery Nouveau
4.  King County DPD
5.  Our partners
6.  R. J. Reynolds
7.  George Bush
8.  The local wineseller
9.  Rush Limbaugh
10. The weeds in the garden

for the condition of our lives?

What if we blamed ourselves? What if we decided to quit handing the choices we make every day - the little ones that pile up and become death by a thousand cuts - over to the external tyrants and wrestle that internal tyrant, the one who has abdicated all real concern for the consequences, to the mat? 

Who IS the president of me?

Who knows?

Maybe it's time to hold an election...

Let the campaign begin.


*The President of Me and Zeteticus are registered trademarks. 
Zeteticus comes from old Latin, and means "Seeker of the Truth"

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What governs YOUR life? Your mother? Your dress size? Your golf game? Your sex life? Who/What is the President of YOU?

Care to cite a shining example of someone out there taking responsibility for their choices (or perhaps someone who is not?)