Anyone watching the arts news this past month might have taken note of the return of PeeWee Herman, the brilliant alter-ego of Paul Reubens, in a Broadway reprise of "The PeeWee Herman Show".
Reubens' infectious talent and celebration of simple truths trumped all the cultural junk out there during PeeWee's heyday (1986-91), a time when groupthink and world class hypocrisy were being elevated to high art, and a time when people like Paul Reubens could be run out of televisionland on a rail for something that amounted to nothing, but sounded like something to people addicted to empty rhetoric.
I adored PeeWee Herman, and especially thrilled at his retort whenever he was being bullied: "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?..."
Repeated over and over in a loop, it made his nemeses crazy. It also gave everybody - the characters themselves and the people watching - a chance to ponder the truth in the charge. How many times in life do people hurl claims in someone else's direction that are, in fact, statements of fact about themselves?
Accusations, held up to the mirror of truth are, more often than not, a disclosure about the person speaking. Isn't it possible the charges of moral turpitude lobbed at Reubens were more accurately applicable to the culture that brought him down? Look at the worlds of finance, entertainment and politics of the time, and ask yourself who the real criminals were.
I'm glad PeeWee's back. Time heals all wounds... and wounds all heels? PeeWee's having the last laugh.
* * * * *

It's been a crazy year,
but The President of Me
is still very much in office
at the Black House on Vashon Island.
Sadly, I'll be out of town during the Studio Tour weekends this year, but I'll put the sandwich board out whenever I'm here these next several weeks.
If you think a gift of
TPOM apparel - the snuggley Hoodies, the velvety Burnout long sleeved T, the Ecovertigrain "Zeteticus Attitude" shirt or a pair of Presidential Boxers, or some Vitamin Black
(the world's most delicious licorice caramels)
(the world's most delicious licorice caramels)
would make someone you care about happy this holiday season, stop by or give me a call @ 206 947 4777 and I'll be happy to meet you here.
Wishing you a happy, peaceful, truthful...
Thanksgiving... Christmas... Hanukkah... Kwanzaa... New Year... Life.